Pharmaceutical Drugs
I think it's important to be clear about my position on pharmaceutical drugs and how they relate to both quantum remedies (such as homeopathy and Infoceuticals) and other forms of quantum healing.
As I explain throughout this site, I look at the basis of human health on two levels: the chemical and the quantum.
The chemical level involves molecular interactions, and it is what doctors look at when determining how to address health conditions. Pharmaceutical drugs are then used to force the body's chemistry to adjust chemical actions in the body.
Sometimes this is valuable or even critical -- for instance, because sleep is important in recovery from illness, sometimes taking medication that suppresses cold symptoms and allows you to sleep for the night can actually help you to get well, even if the medication itself is not ideal for your health.
Another example is antibiotics, which have helped to save countless lives. (Unfortunately, they have become prescribed so often that they aren't likely to be of use for many more years, as bacteria have adapted to those we have.)
The problem with this molecular approach is that faults in the body's chemistry are often due to underlying issues that chemical drugs don't address. So when the drugs simply suppress a symptom, then the body will respond with different symptoms to the same underlying cause. Or, because the medicine itself has a distorting effect on the underlying biofield (see the quantum section below), it can complicate the original situation and cause a more complex mix of symptoms.
In either case, the drug provides a short-term solution but can cause long-term problems. So again, it's important to note that there are times when the short-term solution is "the lesser of two evils." Drugs can help to save a life or give the body a chance to recover from illness. But because of their quantum-distorting effects (again, see below), they are seldom if ever an ideal long-term solution.
[Although this article is focused on pharmaceuticals, it's worth mentioning that nutrition is primarily a chemical approach to wellness, as it addresses the body on a molecular level. Having the right nutrients in the body is essential, as the biofield can only instruct the body's chemistry correctly if the correct chemistry is available to it.]
Underlying the chemistry of the body (atomic interactions that form and break apart molecules) is a more elusive field involving sub-atomic elements, and we call this the quantum field. In the human body, this field is known as a Human Body-Field or biofield.
This field involves the structure of such elements as photons and electrons in space. These structures in space actually direct whether certain chemical actions will take place, so that the body's chemistry is really a reaction to actions of the quantum field. When this field is structured properly, the body's chemistry should function correctly as long as the necessary nutrients are in place. (This is why good nutrition is important.) In this case, a person should be in relatively good health.
When this field is distorted, however, then its instructions for the body's chemistry will become garbled and the body will start to malfunction.
The biofield can get distorted in many ways. Negative thoughts and emotions can distort it, though that is food for another article. Other quantum fields (like electromagnetic fields) can distort it, just the way chemicals can distort the body's chemistry. Even chemical items like food can distort it, although if it's nutritionally rich food, it may help the biofield as well.
Why can chemical items distort the biofield? Because in reality, anything that has chemistry also has a quantum field, just like the human body. (Everything has electrons, for instance, and all electron exchange between atoms creates an emission of photons.) This is why I said that nutrition is PRIMARILY chemical. But it still has its quantum effect, especially if you consume foods in a live state (like fresh fruits and vegetables). So long-term distortions of the biofield can be caused by poor nutrition or by taking pharmaceutical drugs.
Addressing the biofield with quantum healing methods can correct the biofield and its instructions to the chemical body, thus allowing the body to come back into a state of health. However, even this is a short-term solution if someone continues taking pharmaceuticals, eating poorly, never getting good sleep, never exercising, living next to power wires, or always having negative thoughts and emotions. We may be able to help someone like that feel better by working continuously with them, but we can't anticipate long-term results.
(This is not a recommendation to simply stop taking medications. That is a personal decision that should be made when other corrective measures are in place that help you to no longer need those medications.)
But for those who are making positive lifestyle choices, yet who need to address past distortions to the field, quantum healing can do a great deal to correct the biofield and allow health to improve. Likewise, those generally making good choices still have to deal with our toxic environment every day, or may have to make the hard decision to undergo medical treatments like chemotherapy. In this case, quantum healing can help them to address distortions caused by the treatment or the environment, allowing them to maintain the best health possible in the midst of life circumstances.
As I explain throughout this site, I look at the basis of human health on two levels: the chemical and the quantum.
The chemical level involves molecular interactions, and it is what doctors look at when determining how to address health conditions. Pharmaceutical drugs are then used to force the body's chemistry to adjust chemical actions in the body.
Sometimes this is valuable or even critical -- for instance, because sleep is important in recovery from illness, sometimes taking medication that suppresses cold symptoms and allows you to sleep for the night can actually help you to get well, even if the medication itself is not ideal for your health.
Another example is antibiotics, which have helped to save countless lives. (Unfortunately, they have become prescribed so often that they aren't likely to be of use for many more years, as bacteria have adapted to those we have.)
The problem with this molecular approach is that faults in the body's chemistry are often due to underlying issues that chemical drugs don't address. So when the drugs simply suppress a symptom, then the body will respond with different symptoms to the same underlying cause. Or, because the medicine itself has a distorting effect on the underlying biofield (see the quantum section below), it can complicate the original situation and cause a more complex mix of symptoms.
In either case, the drug provides a short-term solution but can cause long-term problems. So again, it's important to note that there are times when the short-term solution is "the lesser of two evils." Drugs can help to save a life or give the body a chance to recover from illness. But because of their quantum-distorting effects (again, see below), they are seldom if ever an ideal long-term solution.
[Although this article is focused on pharmaceuticals, it's worth mentioning that nutrition is primarily a chemical approach to wellness, as it addresses the body on a molecular level. Having the right nutrients in the body is essential, as the biofield can only instruct the body's chemistry correctly if the correct chemistry is available to it.]
Underlying the chemistry of the body (atomic interactions that form and break apart molecules) is a more elusive field involving sub-atomic elements, and we call this the quantum field. In the human body, this field is known as a Human Body-Field or biofield.
This field involves the structure of such elements as photons and electrons in space. These structures in space actually direct whether certain chemical actions will take place, so that the body's chemistry is really a reaction to actions of the quantum field. When this field is structured properly, the body's chemistry should function correctly as long as the necessary nutrients are in place. (This is why good nutrition is important.) In this case, a person should be in relatively good health.
When this field is distorted, however, then its instructions for the body's chemistry will become garbled and the body will start to malfunction.
The biofield can get distorted in many ways. Negative thoughts and emotions can distort it, though that is food for another article. Other quantum fields (like electromagnetic fields) can distort it, just the way chemicals can distort the body's chemistry. Even chemical items like food can distort it, although if it's nutritionally rich food, it may help the biofield as well.
Why can chemical items distort the biofield? Because in reality, anything that has chemistry also has a quantum field, just like the human body. (Everything has electrons, for instance, and all electron exchange between atoms creates an emission of photons.) This is why I said that nutrition is PRIMARILY chemical. But it still has its quantum effect, especially if you consume foods in a live state (like fresh fruits and vegetables). So long-term distortions of the biofield can be caused by poor nutrition or by taking pharmaceutical drugs.
Addressing the biofield with quantum healing methods can correct the biofield and its instructions to the chemical body, thus allowing the body to come back into a state of health. However, even this is a short-term solution if someone continues taking pharmaceuticals, eating poorly, never getting good sleep, never exercising, living next to power wires, or always having negative thoughts and emotions. We may be able to help someone like that feel better by working continuously with them, but we can't anticipate long-term results.
(This is not a recommendation to simply stop taking medications. That is a personal decision that should be made when other corrective measures are in place that help you to no longer need those medications.)
But for those who are making positive lifestyle choices, yet who need to address past distortions to the field, quantum healing can do a great deal to correct the biofield and allow health to improve. Likewise, those generally making good choices still have to deal with our toxic environment every day, or may have to make the hard decision to undergo medical treatments like chemotherapy. In this case, quantum healing can help them to address distortions caused by the treatment or the environment, allowing them to maintain the best health possible in the midst of life circumstances.